Grow Eastern Market


Grow Eastern Market is a local food hub program that works with southeast Michigan farmers and food partners. We handle the logistics so you can order from us if you’re a restaurant, grocery store, or retail client. We also have a program for market customers to purchase from Eastern Market during the week for contact-free pick-up on Saturdays.

Get connected with us below!

Eastern Market

Eastern Market Online

You can now shop with Eastern Market vendors online for pick-up on Saturdays:


Orders typically open Monday at noon and remain open until Wednesday evening. Pick-up is available on Saturdays from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM in the special drive-through line in the parking lot north of Shed 5.

Bridge Card shoppers can use their EBT dollars to order online as well!

Eastern Market

Wholesale Ordering

We offer wholesale online ordering for restaurants, institutions, grocery, and processors. Order at the link below and our team will follow up with information on your delivery. This service is focused on making fresh, locally sourced foods easily available to all institutions.


Eastern Market

Work With Us

You should never be too busy to source locally. We handle logistics for 20+ farms and local food partners including restaurants, grocery stores, & more. If you would like to be a farmer or buyer with us, please reach out to the Director of Programs, Brandon Seng at


Brightmoor Farm
Bucu Farms
Burda’s Berries
Carncross Sugarbush
Cherry Capital Foods
Del Bene Produce
Eastern Market Produce
Farm on Jennings
Fisheye Farms
Fluffy Bottom Farm
Fusilier Family Farm
Garden Fort
Gateway Farm
Give & Grow Mushrooms
Grazing Fields
Happy Go Lucky Ewe
J & M Farm
Jentzen Farms
LaGrasso Produce
Mind Your Beeswax
Norman Holtz Farm
Planted Detroit
Ray Zimmern Syrup
Roscoe & Horkey Farms
Ruhlig Farm
Seeley Farm
Sharkar Farm
Slow Farm
Tantre Farm
Tim Campbell Farm
White Lotus Farm
Wojcik Farm


Avalon Bakery
Bangkok 96
Bea’s Beverages
Brooklyn St. Local
Chartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails
Cousin Mary Jane
Dancy’s Fancy Butter
Detroit Bold Coffee
Detroit Guerilla Food
Edibles Rex
Ferndale Project
Flavorful Creations
Gus & Grey
Henry Ford Culinary Arts
High 5 Salts
Intu Tea
Keep Growing Detroit
Michigan Fields
Mrs. Pruitt’s Cha Cha
Nakee Butter
Neu Kombucha
Nirvana Tea
Ochre Bakery
Oliver Farms
People’s Pierogi Collective
Radical Plants
Selden Standard
Sister Pie
Supino Pizzeria
The Pasta Shop
Warda Pâtisserie
Washington Cheesecake

Eastern Market

Mission & Vision

THE MISSION: Grow Eastern Market mission is to increase access to local produce by brokering farm-to-fork relationships with distributors and institutional buyers (chefs, restaurants, schools, grocery stores and other wholesale markets) to create and expand new market channels for Michigan’s small and emerging growers.

THE VISION: Grow Eastern Market intends to be the missing link to harmonize supply and demand needs within our regional food system. Smaller growers need support and resources to tap into more profitable and stable market channels. Buyers need assurances on food safety and access to local produce through one relationship. Our aggregation, logistical, and grower support services seek to streamline inefficiencies across the supply chain so that farmers can run profitable businesses and buyers have a consistent source for Michigan-grown produce and value-added foods. We aim to be a vibrant locavore wholesale solution for Detroit and beyond.